Bucks Kempo – Grading Syllabus

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This p age is (c) Guy Gratton, 2006.  Please feel free to copy or link any text, but you must say where it came from. 



Below is Bucks Kempo’s core syllabus.  As well as these requirements is the obvious need to have reached an appropriate level of overall martial arts development in the view of both your instructor and grading examiner – a flexibility and understanding of technique and it’s application that can’t easily be expressed in a simple list.


This syllabus is different to that practiced in other BKS clubs, although we all recognise the equivalence of each others standards.


If you are from another club or style and want to borrow our ideas, please feel free – but it would be very nice to know what you’ve done with it.  Please beware, that the use of Japanese to describe techniques varies a lot between styles both inside and outside Japan, so some of the names may differ from those in other Budo-derived martial arts styles. 


Download syllabus as A4 pdf (94kb)


Download syllabus as A5 pdf (97kb)




Notes on Kyushu


Sometimes soon we’ll also start posting video clips of syllabus techniques.




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